
our Energy Future

The Republic of the Marshall Islands is calling for ambitious action by all countries to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. We are leading the way by committing to net zero emissions by 2050, with significant milestones along the way.


Marshall Islands Electricity Roadmap

The Marshall Islands Electricity Roadmap presents costed, technically sound pathways to help achieve our NDC. It presents our strategies for policy, financing, and human resources to ensure we are successful. It brings together the steps we are already taking and makes clear the next steps we need to take towards a completely decarbonized electricity sector by 2050 – or earlier.


Our technology pathways

Summarises the renewable energy pathways for the Marshall Islands.


Provides a brief overview of the entire Electricity Roadmap.


Our low-carbon electricity future
(English version)

The future of the Marshall Islands electricity system depends on upgrading the electricity network, getting better at energy efficiency, and replacing diesel generation with renewable energy in the form of wind and solar. Most of all it depends on our people. Take a look at where we are headed.

Our low-carbon electricity future
(Marshallese version)

The future of the Marshall Islands electricity system depends on upgrading the electricity network, getting better at energy efficiency, and replacing diesel generation with renewable energy in the form of wind and solar. Most of all it depends on our people. Take a look at where we are headed.

Energy Heroes
(Marshallese with English subtitles)

A young boy, Kenti, sits in front of a TV as he plays with a cell phone while the TV is on. On the TV is the popular Marshallese film, BATMON vs MAJURO. Kenti, however, is obviously not watching the TV at all… produced by Microwave Films.

Energy ej joun iaan men ko im elab ad kajerbale ilo raan kein, ako nan ad kajerbale, jej bar kajerbale kaan ko rej jelet e mejatoto. Jej aikuj kadriklok ad bedbed ioon kaan kein im jino kajerbal jarom eo me ejjab jelet e mejatoto, einwot renewable energy!

Energy has become central to our modern way of life - but fossil fuels threaten our very survival. It's time to reduce our reliance on imported oil and develop our local energy workforce by going renewable.